* using ShrewSoft VPN Access Manager 2.2.0, I still get disconnected. The following two problems seem to be solved, I'm leaving this here for future reference for others. * is it possible to limit the VPN access to certain MAC addresses? My fear is that one day users will simply copy the VPN config from their ShrewSoft to their private laptops, which are missing our policies and antivirus software. I've been able to configure RADIUS authentication for accessing the firewall (vendor code 2636, RADIUS = Windows Server 2012). * is it possible to have RADIUS verification, without a dynamic VPN license, with SRX 550, for the 't400-access' profile? Estimated users: 15.
Password '$9$K9QWX-YgJHqfVwqfTzCAvWLxVw' # SECRET-DATAĪfter lots and lots of head-aches (my colleague left, I had to jump in, his config was half finished), I've come to this (censored) version, which finally allows me to connect from internet to our network. Pre-shared-key ascii-text '$9$ywMeMXVwgUjq7-jqmfn6revW7-' # SECRET-DATA Here is a configuration one of our internal gurus came up with that has been tested in a lab with the Shrew client.